
OG Episode 5: Space Cowboys

Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back and talking about the newest update and Space theme!  Find out Scotty’s newest “Dear Supercell” feature request, and a new challenge for Tipdawg!  Plus, a brief history of walls and all things clashy!

OG Episode 3: Nerdy Journey

Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back with another round of Clash Talk!  We reminisce about some of the big changes in the game over time, talk more about the new Frozen arrow, and upgrade strategies for the Hero Abilities!  Plus, as always, everything clashy!

Episode 49: Zod Rules

We’re back with more talk about Clan Wars, and the ever present thorn in our side:  Ghosting.  We’ve got lot of strategies and more second account talk to get to, as well as our plans moving forward.  Plus, rules and ideas for House of Zod!

Original Air Date:  July 1, 2014

Episode 45: Gone Wrong

We’re back with a new episode talking everything Clash!  We’re talking Clan Wars, tactics, and new strategies – and of course, where our attacks have been going wrong.  Also, we catch up with where we’re at in the game, and what’s new in Scotty’s second account!

Original Air Date:  June 13, 2014