We’re back and chatting about life in July’s Unlimited Hero Event! We discuss Fake Legends and the importance of Legend Trophies to a player’s profile! Plus, Tip gives a crash course on when and where to use healers and druids, and we recap the new Hero idea’s from Tips new YouTube video! Scotty falls in love with the Rocket Spear, and as always, we can’t help but talking everything clashy!
rocket spear
OG Episode 19: Rocket Launch
We’re back and talking all about the releases in Clash! We talk the new Rocket Spear (finally) and Supercell’s official announcement of Hard Mode! Scotty talks attacks post bowler buff, CWL, and we can’t get enough of the Wild West Season!
OG Episode 11: April 2024 Update!
Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back with a supersized episode with all that’s new in the April update! We discuss the new features, quality of life improvements, and more thoughts on the secret Rocket Spear! Plus, we talk Queen Walk, funneling, and the Recall Spell!
OG Episode 10: Rocket Spear Revealed
This we’re back and nerding out about what we know about the new Rocket Spear equipment! Plus we talk Scotty’s new TH upgrade, strategic rushing, and the funneling questions!
OG Episode 7: Warden Werk
This week Scotty makes a huge prediction about the future of clash! We discuss strategy in event medals, the new Warden ability, and the leaked Rocket Spear ability! Plus, Tipdawg gives Scotty a crash course on the Warden! Plus everything clashy!