We’re back and talking about the update, loot bonus, and all things about our strategies! Plus, we’re joined this week by the beautiful and charming Lady Boneyard! (Yes, she’s real folks!)
Original Air Date: December 18, 2013
We’re back and talking about the update, loot bonus, and all things about our strategies! Plus, we’re joined this week by the beautiful and charming Lady Boneyard! (Yes, she’s real folks!)
Original Air Date: December 18, 2013
We’re back and talking about the new update, and everything that means for us now in the game! Plus, we talk Golems, and all things clashy!
Original Air Date: December 1, 2013
Back with a interview with our friend Korg! This was recorded before League of Clans, and Parliament Owls were featured by the COC Community, and we get a look at how the clan works! Plus, more Clash talk!
Original Air Date: November 22, 2013
This week we talk strategies, and get into Scotty’s big question: Should he go for Town Hall 10? Plus, we get into a lot of COC nonsense!
Original Air Date: November 13, 2013
This week we talk about what’s new with our camps and strategies, talk about more features we’d like to see, and of course all things clashy!
Original Air Date: November 4, 2013
We”re back with a whole lot of COC talk! This week we cover attack strategies, things we hope to see in future updates, and the never ending talk of troops we’d like to see! Clash On!
Original Air Date: October 24, 2013
We’re finally back with some new episodes! Catching up from where we left off, talking about all things COC, and of course Boneyard has some more A Team/Hog Rider commentary!
Original Air Date: October 8, 2013
Scotty827 and Boneyard are back! It’s the return of “The Minion King” and we get caught up on all things COC! Next week we’ll get to all of the shout outs that are long over due! Thanks for staying tuned Fans in the Stands!
Original Air Date: August 31, 2013
Here it is finally! The second part of the interview/guest host episode with Boaz, where we get to talk troops and more things Clash of Clans!
Scotty827 is back and Special Episodes continue this week with guest host Boaz! We did into the varieties of clans and the Supercell Anniversary Gem Boost! There was so much to talk about, this is only the first part of the trilogy!
Original Air Date: August 15, 2013