
OG Episode 50: Back in Action

Scotty and Tylar are back with another heart-pounding episode!  As Scotty’s tourney journey begins, Tylar is there to unravel the mystery of it all!  We talk the new War and Legend League realities, psychological warfare, and discuss a new plan for a Tournament Roster.  Of course, with a new season comes new ideas, and we’ve got some good ones for Supercell!  Plus, as always, everything Clashy

OG Episode 41: Cookie Control

Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back and catching up with all that’s new in Clash!  We discuss the meta and other changes since the update and how we’re dealing adjust!  We get into Tip’s new YouTube video Tip’s Controllable Siege Theory, and the Controllable Hero Cookie Chaos Event – and what could come next!  Plus, what we know about upcoming events and additions to clash, our changing CWL strategy, and a little look at the Minion Prince!  There’s a lot more and everything Clashy!

OG Episode 37: Dawn of the Lavaloon

We’re back as Tipdawg20 returns to his chair to catch up on what the new season of Clash has brought us!  We talk Scotty’s recent successes (a complete fluke, nothing to see here) and the big turning points in upping his game so far. Plus we discuss the new troops, new events, the balance and state of the game! 

OG Episode 19: Rocket Launch

We’re back and talking all about the releases in Clash! We talk the new Rocket Spear (finally) and Supercell’s official announcement of Hard Mode! Scotty talks attacks post bowler buff, CWL, and we can’t get enough of the Wild West Season!

OG Episode 17: Crop Dusting Hogs

We’re back and discussing the end of the season (and event troops) and the preparations for the new season and CWL!  We dive into the Hero Equipment combos and what Hero and Pet pair best for different strategies!  Plus, we talk the dominance of Root Riders at the pro levels, and as always everything clashy! 

OG Episode 9: A Master of None

We’re back and dreaming of clash in 3D!  Plus we discuss the new season and updates, upcoming CWL, the speculation of a possible pro mode in clash, and Scotty gets schooled on Super Troops! There’s more clash in this episode than will fit in this description!