It’s Hammer Time with the Hammer Jam Event in Clash, and Scotty and Tip are catching up and strategizing the Jam! We talk builder potions, Tip’s new attack strategy, and a Hammer Jam Loot contest idea for clan leaders! Scotty searches for a new war attack, and we discuss our CWL performances. Plus, as always, everything Clashy!
Clash of Clans Podcast
Nerding Out OG Ep. 2: Awesomepiguy
Scotty is back with a new episode of Nerding Out! This time he sits down with Awesomepiguy, who’s a relatively new and younger player of Clash, for a different perspective on the game! We speculate on TH 17 and the Hammer Jam event, a brief discussion of Clash Worlds, and what life is like at TH 13! Plus, Scotty’s upgrade plans and more!
OG Episode 38: Sweet Sixteen
Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back and talking all things clash! We discuss Tip’s new attack that has left Scotty’s head spinning! Plus, Scotty goes to Town Hall 16 and before he can do anything stupid, Tipdawg is there to help!
Nerding Out OG Ep 1: Karl and Wizard of Woo (Crytal 2 Join Podcast)
What happens when you take three podcasters and put them in a room together to Nerd Out for the first time? An episode big enough to launch the rebirth of the Nerding Out Series! Scotty is joined by Karl and Wizard of Woo from the Crystal 2 Join Podcast, professional Clash of Clans players and members of FTB C2J! In this episode we dive into the Chaos Cup, current balance of the game, and even peer deep inside the mind of a pro player and the mid life challenges we all must face. Plus we discuss what we know so far about TH 17 and its possible place a major turning point in the game. It was a blast, and it’s a big episode!
Make sure to check out the Crystal 2 Join Podcast from your favorite podcast app!
OG Episode 37: Dawn of the Lavaloon
We’re back as Tipdawg20 returns to his chair to catch up on what the new season of Clash has brought us! We talk Scotty’s recent successes (a complete fluke, nothing to see here) and the big turning points in upping his game so far. Plus we discuss the new troops, new events, the balance and state of the game!
OG Episode 36: MailMan Delivers
Scotty827 is back with a special episode and tagging along on the mail route with MailMan! MailMan (formerly mailman), is one of the earliest podcast listeners, Coleaders in the House of El, and a part of the podcast and podcast communities since the early days of Clash! Scotty catches up with his old friend to talk about the new days, old days, and a bunch of fun memories!
OG Episode 35: The Return of the Phantom Warlord
Scotty is back with a Special Guest Cohost for this episode The Phantom Warlord! It’s been nine years since these two have recorded an episode together, and there is a lot to catch up on! Old times, new times, regrets, and highlights – this episode is a candid conversation between two battle-hardened friends!
OG Episode 34: Snacks, Skins, and Chests
We’re back and finally getting a chance to talk about impacts of the previous update! We discuss the new skins, the Treasure Hunt Event and Scotty wonders what sets the good attackers apart in Legends League. Plus catch up on last CWL and look ahead to next season!
OG Episode 32: World Base Building’s Nico (Special Guest)
We’re back with an international episode and talking with Nico, owner of World Base Building! We get to find out about Nico’s climb up the mountain of base building mastery, life as owner of a base building company, and some tips on getting involved in building your own base. Plus, we get to dive into the update and get Nico’s take from a base builder’s perspective!
OG Episode 30: Progression
Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back and talking all things Clashy! The week we talk progress on our accounts, and how Hero Equipment may be helping to save the game from the bots. Plus, we talk the State of War, Scotty gets a lesson on the Battle Drill, and the House of El grows strong!