Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back and talking all things Clashy! The week we talk progress on our accounts, and how Hero Equipment may be helping to save the game from the bots. Plus, we talk the State of War, Scotty gets a lesson on the Battle Drill, and the House of El grows strong!
Clash of Clans Podcast
OG Episode 27: Clashiversary Catch Up
We’re back and talking all things Clash! We recap our progress on the Unlimited Heroes Event, and discuss what the August Clashiversary Month will bring! Scotty breaks down his new army comp, and gets a lesson on TH 15 pets! Tip poses a War Song Challenge, and we get to catch up on where we’re at in the game!
OG Episode 26: BDLegend (Special Guest)
Scotty and Tipdawg are back with special guest Clash YouTuber BDLegend! We get a chance to talk Hero Equipment, the state of the game, and BDLegend’s idea that could elevate Clash to the next level. Plus, we get a chance to learn a little more about BD and what content and ideas BD has for us in the future!
OG Episode 25: To Druid, Or Not To Druid
We’re back and chatting about life in July’s Unlimited Hero Event! We discuss Fake Legends and the importance of Legend Trophies to a player’s profile! Plus, Tip gives a crash course on when and where to use healers and druids, and we recap the new Hero idea’s from Tips new YouTube video! Scotty falls in love with the Rocket Spear, and as always, we can’t help but talking everything clashy!
OG Episode 24: Going Pro
We’re back with a brand new episode, with Scotty as a a brand new TH 15 and new army comps to play with! We weigh in on the Clash Worlds Reinstatement News, and what it really means for the average player! Plus, for all you podcast listeners out there, Tipdawg breaks down the path for you or your clan to go Pro!
OG Episode 23: The Wider World of Clash
Scotty and Tip are back and talking about the Wider World of Clash! We dig into some of the major questions from last week’s interview with Ghostnite! We weigh in on the state of the value within the game and the Supercell Creator happenings dominating Clash News these past few weeks! Also, we get a chance to catch up with where we’re both at in the game! And as always, everything Clashy!
OG Episode 22: Ghostnite (Special Guest)
Scotty and Tip are back with special guest Ghostnite: Professional Base Tester, Elite Esports player, FindThatBase representative, and World Base Building collaborator! We get an inside peek on life in the elite realms of clash, and Ghostnite shares some invaluable insights into base design, testing, and trapping! Plus, his thoughts on hero equipment, hard mode, and so much more! Strap in and get ready for a wild ride!
OG Episode 21: Hard Mode 2
Scotty and Tip are back and talking life post update! Scotty tells tales of dancing by disco light with the Cocaine Bear (Druid) and Tip does the math on the Builder’s Apprentice! Plus,Tip shares some thoughts on the new hard mode, and as always, everything clashy!
OG Episode 20: Cocaine Bear
Scotty and Tip are back and talking all about the new update! There’s a new troop, a new mode, and a new builder (kind of)! What does it mean for the game, and the future of war? Plus, Scotty dubs the new troop the Cocaine Bear! We’ve got a lot of clash to unpack this week!
OG Episode 18: Balance Changes June 2024
There are balance changes on the way, and we’re back to discuss them all! We talk the sweeping changes coming, and what that might mean for the game! Plus, Tipdawg talks a possible pro mode, and Scotty has a crazy new idea: Spell Skins!