Well we’re back and talking about all things Clash! Boneyard’s switched up his army, we talk about Scotty’s trophy push with RAIN OF FIRE, tons of shout outs, and of course a bunch of craziness!
Original Air Date: January 27, 2014
Well we’re back and talking about all things Clash! Boneyard’s switched up his army, we talk about Scotty’s trophy push with RAIN OF FIRE, tons of shout outs, and of course a bunch of craziness!
Original Air Date: January 27, 2014
The week we’re joined by Clan Member Orion – and we get to talk about where he’s at in the game, answer some questions, and talk about when and where it’s an appropriate to Clash! We had a great time with this – enjoy!
We’re back with the year in review of the podcast! Scotty and Boneyard look back on the past year, talk a bunch about the update (which wasn’t), and everything clashy!
Original Air Date: January 17, 2014
Scotty’s back catching up with Korg and what’s in CoC! We talk everything about the new update, what’s happing with League of Clans, and give some advice for those of you who may just be starting the game!
Original Air Date: Approx January 12, 2014
Scotty is here with a special episode with Cluggo from Rain of Fire! We talk about being a clan leader, tactics and strategies, and everything clashy that we nerds talk about! This is part 1 of 2 – enjoy!
Original Air Date: Approx. January 8, 2014
Boaz and I are back with the second half of our interview, where we really get into the good stuff! More on the update, the higher level player clans, and more of everything clashy!
Original Air Date: January 6, 2014
This episode I got to catch up with Boaz, and find out what he’s been up to since our earlier episodes! And of course, we talked about the breaking news regarding the loot restructuring! Plus, everything that entails. Part 1 of 2!
Original Air Date: January 4, 2014
Back with a interview with our friend Korg! This was recorded before League of Clans, and Parliament Owls were featured by the COC Community, and we get a look at how the clan works! Plus, more Clash talk!
Original Air Date: November 22, 2013
This week we talk about what’s new with our camps and strategies, talk about more features we’d like to see, and of course all things clashy!
Original Air Date: November 4, 2013
We”re back with a whole lot of COC talk! This week we cover attack strategies, things we hope to see in future updates, and the never ending talk of troops we’d like to see! Clash On!
Original Air Date: October 24, 2013