
OG Episode 50: Back in Action

Scotty and Tylar are back with another heart-pounding episode!  As Scotty’s tourney journey begins, Tylar is there to unravel the mystery of it all!  We talk the new War and Legend League realities, psychological warfare, and discuss a new plan for a Tournament Roster.  Of course, with a new season comes new ideas, and we’ve got some good ones for Supercell!  Plus, as always, everything Clashy

OG Episode 49: Warm Ups and Break Downs

Scotty is back and joined in the deep end by Swim Boi during the Clash Warm Up Event!  The water is getting hotter in the new Hard Mode, and Scotty and Swim do their attacks live (mostly) under the heat!  Then, Swim helps Scotty break down his attack!  We talk strategy, post update changes, and catch up with the changing game!  Plus, as always everything Clashy, but this time we’re wearing trunks!

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OG Episode 47: The Ghost Mind and Base Design

Scotty is back with special guest Ghostnite!  The infamous Ghostnite has been sequestered in the studio for a highly intensive interrogation session to get into the inner workings of Ghostnite’s base building and strategic mind!  We talk Ghostnite Base Building and his perspective as a diabolical base builder -from traps to profiling!  Ghostnite gives up his plan for fixing Legends League, how the new February Update and impacts to the game, and of his take on the state of Clash!  Plus, a ton more and everything clashy!

Ghostnite’s Discord:  Ghostnite2121

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OG Episode 43: That’s What DeLoreans Are For

Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back with a momentous episode!  This week, we find out what Tip has been up to on his time away from the podcast, look back on the last year, and Tip shares big news with us all!  With every journey come defining moments where the paths of great friends diverge only to reconnect somewhere in time… But, fortunately for all of us fans of Tipdawg20, Scotty827 still has the DeLorean!  Before the Mr. Fusion has generated the necessary gigawatts, the great ‘Doc’ Tipdawg ‘Brown’ must share a few more pearls of his wisdom! Plus, as always – everything Clashy!

Nerding Out OG Ep. 6: Swim Boi Saves the Day!

Scotty’s back and jumping in with Swim Boi!  Recovering from a lost episode, Scotty calls on Life Guard Swim to help save this week’s episode with a deeper dive into the Spirit Walk and how his attacks have changed since we last heard from him!  Plus, we talk discuss what Swim hopes for in the coming year, and this month’s CWL!  Along with everything clashy, we do a podcast special event- a Clash Quiz Show for Swim!

OG Episode 42: Dear Santy Supercell

We’re back with a very Clashy Clashmas episode!  We get to catch up and look back on a big year!  But before Santy Supercell arrives, we’ve made our lists of the things we want most this year, and we’re checking them twice!  We dig into our Clashmas lists of things we’d like to find in the game in the New Year!  This is a big episode with a lot of big wishes!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

OG Episode 40: Our Favorite Wookie

We’re back with a big episode and sitting down with our friend and House of El Co Leader – Chewie!  We get to know this furry ball of knowledge and dial into all that’s been happening in Clash:  From the Hammer Jam Event to the biggest news of the year – the Town Hall 17 Update!  We can’t help but jump to hyperspace in thinking about new strategies, troops, defenses, and of course the new Minion Prince!   We think you’ll have as much fun as we did talking all things Clash!

Nerding Out OG Ep. 3: Tylar

Scotty is back and talking Clash with Tylar from ‘CQ Revolution’!   We talk CWL organization, life as a TH 16, and the latest (and more speculation) on Town Hall 17!  Plus, Scotty is introduced to Ore Wars, and we talk progress during the Hammer Jam Event!  Plus, we have a ton of fun talking everything Clashy!

Nerding Out OG Ep. 2: Awesomepiguy

Scotty is back with a new episode of Nerding Out! This time he sits down with Awesomepiguy, who’s a relatively new and younger player of Clash, for a different perspective on the game!  We speculate on TH 17 and the Hammer Jam event, a brief discussion of Clash Worlds, and what life is like at TH 13!  Plus, Scotty’s upgrade plans and more!