December 2024

Nerding Out OG Ep. 5: Tylar Returns!

Scotty’s back and Nerding Out again with Tylar from CQ Revolution! This episode catch up on life after the last episode, update, and Town Hall level! We get to end 2024 with a look back on some of the best (and worst) skins, events, and scenery that were introduced this year – and look forward to some Clash-O-Lutions for 2025! Hear about the things we loved, and the things we hated, and some other stuff we hope for in the new year! Plus, a whole lot of nerding out about everything clashy!

OG Episode 42: Dear Santy Supercell

We’re back with a very Clashy Clashmas episode!  We get to catch up and look back on a big year!  But before Santy Supercell arrives, we’ve made our lists of the things we want most this year, and we’re checking them twice!  We dig into our Clashmas lists of things we’d like to find in the game in the New Year!  This is a big episode with a lot of big wishes!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

OG Episode 41: Cookie Control

Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back and catching up with all that’s new in Clash!  We discuss the meta and other changes since the update and how we’re dealing adjust!  We get into Tip’s new YouTube video Tip’s Controllable Siege Theory, and the Controllable Hero Cookie Chaos Event – and what could come next!  Plus, what we know about upcoming events and additions to clash, our changing CWL strategy, and a little look at the Minion Prince!  There’s a lot more and everything Clashy!