Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back with a momentous episode! This week, we find out what Tip has been up to on his time away from the podcast, look back on the last year, and Tip shares big news with us all! With every journey come defining moments where the paths of great friends diverge only to reconnect somewhere in time… But, fortunately for all of us fans of Tipdawg20, Scotty827 still has the DeLorean! Before the Mr. Fusion has generated the necessary gigawatts, the great ‘Doc’ Tipdawg ‘Brown’ must share a few more pearls of his wisdom! Plus, as always – everything Clashy!
OG Episode 31: Buffed and Nerfed (September 2024)
We’re back with a big episode all about the balance changes coming to Clash in September! We breakdown all the nerfs and buffs and what they might mean for the future of war, various Town Hall levels, and which piece of Hero Equipment we might be updating next!
OG Episode 30: Progression
Scotty827 and Tipdawg20 are back and talking all things Clashy! The week we talk progress on our accounts, and how Hero Equipment may be helping to save the game from the bots. Plus, we talk the State of War, Scotty gets a lesson on the Battle Drill, and the House of El grows strong!
OG Episode 28: Mirror Mirror
We’re back and Scotty and Tipdawg and catching up post August CWL! We’re setting the sights on the future – and Scotty throws down a challenge for himself and the House of El! We discuss Tip’s awesome new Clashy ASL video, Scotty falls in love with the Magic Mirror Hero Equipment, and we finally get to a listener question!
OG Episode 24: Going Pro
We’re back with a brand new episode, with Scotty as a a brand new TH 15 and new army comps to play with! We weigh in on the Clash Worlds Reinstatement News, and what it really means for the average player! Plus, for all you podcast listeners out there, Tipdawg breaks down the path for you or your clan to go Pro!
OG Episode 18: Balance Changes June 2024
There are balance changes on the way, and we’re back to discuss them all! We talk the sweeping changes coming, and what that might mean for the game! Plus, Tipdawg talks a possible pro mode, and Scotty has a crazy new idea: Spell Skins!
OG Episode 10: Rocket Spear Revealed
This we’re back and nerding out about what we know about the new Rocket Spear equipment! Plus we talk Scotty’s new TH upgrade, strategic rushing, and the funneling questions!