clash worlds

OG Episode 49: Warm Ups and Break Downs

Scotty is back and joined in the deep end by Swim Boi during the Clash Warm Up Event!  The water is getting hotter in the new Hard Mode, and Scotty and Swim do their attacks live (mostly) under the heat!  Then, Swim helps Scotty break down his attack!  We talk strategy, post update changes, and catch up with the changing game!  Plus, as always everything Clashy, but this time we’re wearing trunks!

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OG Episode 24: Going Pro

We’re back with a brand new episode, with Scotty as a a brand new TH 15 and new army comps to play with! We weigh in on the Clash Worlds Reinstatement News, and what it really means for the average player! Plus, for all you podcast listeners out there, Tipdawg breaks down the path for you or your clan to go Pro!